Business Coaching

PROJUM supports executives and teams in specific work and conflict situations.

Reflection in a trusting environment. 

Business coaching (in-person/online) allows for addressing and objectively reflecting on burdensome or sensitive issues in a discreet external setting. 

Especially for team building and communication, coaching and consulting are meaningful accompanying measures. In individual coaching, personal development takes precedence.

Coaching as Development potential

Different coaching methods are applied individually. Günther Strauss can stimulate the thought process and open up new possibilities and solutions through targeted questions and hypothesis formation. Executives benefit primarily in decision-making quality and communication in conflicts from coaching. Through reflection and critical intervention, a better balance between self-perception and external perception can also be achieved.

"The benefit for the coachee is crucial in coaching conversations. Personally, I consider recognizing potentials and finding one's own path to strengthen personal strengths as the main success in coaching. Newly acquired insights also complement my diversity of methods in coaching and consulting."

Become together more strong

Where personalities come together, human elements emerge. In addition to the agreed coaching framework, Günther Strauss can also offer complementary consulting services such as team building, implementation of a learning organization, and agile support. Extensive experience with different organizational forms allows him to create very individual coaching settings tailored to specific needs.

Leadership Performance

Reflect on your personal leadership situation in coaching. Discover your values and view your team as your personal "dream team". Create sufficient space for your energy and thereby develop your personal performance as a role model for your team.

Günther Strauss on his coaching and the consultancy area of conflict:

My coaching sessions are successful because I keep myself as a coach in the background, allowing ample space for personal development. This way, individuals can find their personal solutions individually and uninfluenced. However, it is also important to define the exact need for consulting or coaching at the beginning and then to conduct them efficiently and, above all, in a practical manner."

Other Consulting-Areas of PROJUM